Nada Lundring Ronning

Profile Updated: May 6, 2015
Residing In: Sierra Madre (near Pasadena and L.A.), CA USA
Spouse/Partner: Nelius; married May 1, 1971
Occupation: I'm Mormor (Grandma in Norwegian) to 7 children!
Children: Desta Kathrine, born 8-10-74, married to Erik Goehner; 3 children: Maya, 12 yrs., Dryden, 10 yrs., Piper, More…7;
Rachel Inga, born 11-5-76, married to Brian Lindgren; 2 daughters: Hazel, 5 yrs. (named after my Mother); Solveij, 3 yrs. old
"Adopted" (not legally) grandchildren: RubyJoy Pikes, 14 years; Colin Max Chigwida, 3 yrs. old

I went to Pasadena City College for 2 yrs.; then to Concordia, Moorhead, MN; Was a Parish Worker in Santa Barbara and Pasadena, CA; A volunteer in Ethiopia with the Luth. Church for a year (1968); volunteered at Holden Village for 5 mos. in 1970 and have gone there every year; married a fellow Luther Leaguer in 1971; had 2 daughters who both graduated from Cal Lutheran Univ. and live an hour from us; have 7 wonderful grandchildren, 5 of whom we see every week...when we're in town. We travel a lot. We have 2 other "adopted" grandchildren, one in Seatle and the other in San Diego. Our last big trip was to Israel-Palestine and Togo, W. Africa in 2006. Was active in my Lutheran Church my whole life until the last 5 years during a decline in membership and major struggles. During the Easter Eve Vigil this year, 2013, I joined All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena, a strong peace and justice church. I will, however, always be a Lutheran at heart.

School Story:

Unfortunately, one of the most memorable things I remember is being asked to leave choir practice by Mr. Madsen (with Solveig Hyland Carlson) because we couldn't stop giggling. It made me feel awful! I also remember dorm fun -- talking and playing tricks on others...AND studying!

Posted: May 06, 2015 at 5:42 PM